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control DECKS

Playing a Control deck is like being the overprotective parent of the Magic world. Your opponent plays a creature, and you're there like,

"Not so fast, young Padawan! Say hello to my Counterspell. Yeah, your creature is about as relevant as a penguin in the Sahara."


You're the ultimate party pooper, the one who ruins your opponent's plans with a smirk and a well-timed Spell Blast. They try to cast a game-changing spell, and you counter it so smoothly that it's like you're reading their mind. "Oh, you thought you'd win with that combo? Cute."

And let's not forget the joy of watching your opponent's face as they desperately try to resolve their spells, only to have you bounce them back to their hand or exile them faster than a cat reacting to a laser pointer.


But what really makes Control decks hilarious is the sheer frustration you induce in your opponents. They'll start questioning their life choices, wondering if they accidentally walked into a library instead of a game store. You'll hear them mutter things like, "I just want to play my cards, man!" to which you'll respond with a devilish grin, "Sorry, this is a 'No Fun Allowed' zone." 


Control players are like the chess grandmasters of Magic, always thinking three steps ahead, and their deck is the ultimate mind game. "Is it safe to play this card? Will they counter it? Can I finally resolve something?" It's like a never-ending game of poker, and you're the one holding all the aces.


Sssooo, to all control players, embrace your inner supervillain, sip your beer (or maybe something stronger) as you counter, bounce, and exile your way to victory, and remember that in the world of Old School, it's not always about winning with brute force (or Mind Twist); it's about winning with style and a dash of diabolical laughter.

aggro shops (will magrann).webp


(Will Magrann)

I built this deck to punish my opponent’s mana as much as possible. I wanted to have a deck that had more controlling elements than a typical Atog deck but was also able to close games faster than a normal Shops deck because of Atog.  [...]

moulin (karl).webp


(Karl Rivest Harnois)

This is the lantern control of Old School. The plan is to play a control game in the early game until you assemble Field of Dreams + Millstone. Once you get there you pivot into a prison deck, preventing your opponent from drawing meaningful cards for the rest of the game until they mill out. 2 mill stones with a field is almost a hard lock.  [...]

the-deck (rich shay).webp


(Rich Shay)

This is a deck with many names. Some people call it The Deck. Personally, I call it Keeper. That was not a name from the actual 93-94 period, but it was what a similar deck was called during the early Type One days. Given that I did not get my full set of power until 1996, I will continue to go with the somewhat anachronistic, but far more descriptive, moniker.  [...]

sindbad (martin birket-smith).jpg


(Martin Birket-Smith)

This is a highly synergistic deck that revolves around the Sylvan Library + Sindbad engine. Very few spells draw cards in Oldschool and this deck plays two of them. Your primary game plan is to stabilize around these cards with Mazes, Counterspells, Factories and Pendelhaven blockers.  [...]

Song (cayce g).webp


(Cayce Grissom)

Simply named "Song," this deck is intended to be a slow grinding prison deck. Draw through your deck with Howling Mine. Lock the opponent with Winter Orb. Make it asymmetrical with Relic Barrier. Icy Manipulator and Copy Artifact are the stars of the deck.  [...]

stasis-vault (mark saccerecia).webp


(Mark Seccareccia)

Make friends with stasis, while the game is locked you can have a nice chat and learn a lot about each other (while you win). Using Howling Mine to help "break the symmetry" of Stasis, you can eventually take infinite turns by looping Twiddles, Regrowth and Timetwister.  [...]

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