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Branching Paths is a public domain, entirely custom-set in the spirit of Old school MTG. The project’s aim was to create new fan-made content for OS MTG players to enjoy, while making a deliberate effort to remain within 1993-1994 MTG flavor, even if we used modern tools. It’s a “What if?” WotC had taken a  different path in 1995. 

On this page, you will find everything you need to know about this project.

Branching Paths is within reach!

– The New Old School Team

Branching Paths official gallery

Branching Paths (Lore)


[English follows]

Aux tréfonds du multivers, Branching Paths nous amène sur une île coupée du monde où cinq factions coexistent au croisement de deux philosophies existentielles: dominer son environnement pour progresser, ou alors croître avec lui en symbiose? 

Dans cette expansion inspirée de l’esprit Old school, entièrement fan-made et sans but lucratif, explorez les falaises côtières et les plages mystérieuses de la Oldcove; les étendues de la Highprairie qui s’étirent jusqu’au ciel; les brouillards épais et suffoquants des marécages de la Murkland; les luxuriantes, mais sombres forêts de la Deepwoods, puis; les villes de l’Empire bâties à flanc de montagnes. Surtout: les écosystèmes complexes liant ou opposant ces environnements à leurs habitants — sans oublier les créatures qui y rôdent!

Branching Paths met en scène une multitude d’entités fantastiques telles que le perfide Incubus Liege, l’étrange Crow Whisperer, le majestueux Rifting Behemot ou l’inspirant Great White Wolf, en plus de communautés hétéroclites et de sortilèges qui récompensent leur solidarité. …Un monde singulier à découvrir!



In the depths of the multiverse, Branching Paths takes us to an island cut off from the world where five factions coexist at the crossroads of two existential philosophies: to dominate your environment to progress, or to grow with it in symbiosis?

In this Old school inspired, fan-made & no-profit expansion, explore the coastal cliffs and mysterious beaches of Oldcove; the sky-high expanses of Highprairie; the thick, suffocating mists of the Murkland swamps; the lush, yet dark forests of the Deepwoods; and the mountainside cities of the Empire. Above all: the complex ecosystems that link or oppose these environments and their inhabitants - not to mention the creatures that lurk in them!

Branching Paths features a multitude of fantastic entities such as the treacherous Incubus Liege, the strange Crow Whisperer, the majestic Rifting Behemot or the inspiring Great White Wolf, in addition to diverse communities and spells that reward their solidarity. ...A singular world to discover!

– The New Old School Team

Branching Paths 2nd Print Run

We are thrilled to launch the second (and last) print run of Branching Paths, as well as the Branching Paths Unleashed tournament that we’ll be running and livestreaming from Montreal on friday, May 31st! Kicking off the night before Tundra Wolves Challenge 7, Branching Paths Unleashed will be the first major Branching Paths constructed tournament ever, with no restriction in sight! The print run is going live today and only for a limited time — orders can be placed until April 30th at the latest, at cost as always, so don’t fck around if you want in.

Oh also, this print run will feature a sublime* white-border treatment.

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