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Home / Decks / Mid / Reanimator

reanimator - atlantic


The idea behind this build is to lean on sedge troll to help stabilize the early game while you assemble your guy for a big AHE or ramp into enough mana to hard cast 6 drops.


Reanimator is a very flexible shell and can be played in many color combinations and many threat mixtures. The key to this deck is sedge troll, historically the deck struggles vs aggro and troll really shines here.



This is my favorite OS deck by a wide margin and have played numerous large tournaments with pretty solid results. The deck can produce some explosive turns with AHE and time walk, I've put 20-30 power in play on one turn many times.



reanimator (brian-bogdon).webp

This version of the deck allows for the ability to change gears between all-in combo or play a more grindy troll disco game. As such the deck can fare well in all matchups, however the deck is extremely difficult to pilot as there are so many decisions trees with Bazaar and also knowing when and how to change gears in certain matchups, this is why I like the deck so much.



Playing Mardu colours you get access to a myriad of great sb cards, you can play hypno, hymn, reb for control any white removal for shops and efficient answers to aggro in bolt and spirit link as well as packing a few disks to enable the troll-disco strategy. There's never enough slots for this build.



souce: Brian Bogdon - Geocities of Brass

picture: @oldschoolmtg

Brian Bogdon's list

4 Sedge Troll

2 Serra Angel

3 Shivan Dragon

4 Triskelion



3 All Hallow's Eve

1 Ancestral Recall

4 Animate Dead

1 Balance

1 Black Lotus

1 Chaos Orb

1 Demonic Tutor

2 Disenchant

1 Mind Twist

1 Mox Jet

1 Mox Pearl

1 Mox Ruby

1 Mox Sapphire

1 Sol Ring

4 Swords to Plowshares

1 Time Walk



​4 Badlands

4 Bazar of Bagdad

4 City of Brass

1 Library of Alexandria

1 Plains

2 Plateau

4 Scrubland

1 Strip Mine

1 Underground Sea

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