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Home / Decks / Control / Moulin

moulin - boréal


This is the lantern control of Old School. The plan is to play a control game in the early game until you assemble Field of Dreams + Millstone. Once you get there you pivot into a prison deck, preventing your opponent from drawing meaningful cards for the rest of the game until they mill out. 2 mill stones with a field is almost a hard lock.


Some folks play factories, which are obviously great. Since the main wincon is milling I prefer having a consistent manabase.


Some build shave 1 field of dreams, but I like the consistency of 4 and having backups in case they get removed. 



Second place at the 2022 Tundra Wolves Challenge (39 players, 6 rounds).​

moulin (karl).webp

The deck struggles vs fast aggro decks specifically in 4 strip formats (in Atlantic our 4 mazes are often uncontested). We have a good time vs shops since we can bring 4-5 additional removal pieces post side on top of our 4 disenchants and 4 swords.



We have a transformative sideboard. The plan is to side out the prison package (4 Field of Dreams, 4 Millstones) and side in 3 Serra Angels + relevant sideboard cards (Divine Offerings, CoP Red, etc.). We do so to blank artifact & enchantment removal, while giving ample room for sideboard cards.



​source: Karl Rivest-Harnois - Mtl Tundra Wolves

picture: @oldschoolmtg

Karl R.H.'s list

1 Ancestral Recall

1 Balance

1 Black Lotus

1 Braingeyser

1 Chaos Orb

4 Counterspell

1 Demonic tutor

4 Disenchant

4 Field of Dreams

1 Ivory Tower

1 Jayemdae Tome

1 Mana Drain

4 Millstone

1 Mind Twist

1 Moat

1 Mox Jet

1 Mox Pearl

1 Mox Sapphire

1 Sol Ring

4 Swords to Plowshares

1 Time Walk



4 City of Brass

3 Island

4 Maze of Ith

2 Plains

1 Library of Alexandria

4 Strip Mine

4 Tundra

2 Underground Sea

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