monkeyballs - boréal
I created this deck when I first started playing OS. In fact, it’s the only deck I consider to have ‘created’, other decks were just meta variations on established archetypes.
The idea was that I believed playing **all** the restricted cards must be good, so I started a deck that had them all (Balance later moved to the SB). Then, the next best cards were lightning bolt and disenchant, so I added 4 of those.
Finally, I decided to add fireballs since it made our mid-to-late game top decks very good. I packed 4 Kird Apes since I had 4 Bolts and 4 Disenchants to deal with factories, and it was otherwise the best 1cmc creature.
It’s the closest deck to a delver deck that I could come up with for OS. I didn’t want to play the traditional aggro deck
because I thought it scooped to much of the meta, so I wanted an aggro deck that had some late-game punch and a good mana denial strategy.​ I always enjoyed beating Karl with it.
It can beat traditional aggro decks if you draw the right removal. It has a good matchup vs decks that are weak to strip mine. T1 Kird Ape can win the game vs many decks who are too slow for it.
You only run 6 creatures so you can design a SB that sides them out and becomes a more controlish deck. You can add 3x Swords to Plowshare + other removal. Versus decks that play Bolts, you can side in Serra Angels.
source: Kyril D-R - Montreal Tundra Wolves
picture: @oldschoolmtg
Kyril D.R.'s list
2 Bird of Paradise
4 Kird Ape
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Fireball
2 Disintegrate
1 Fork
1 Chain Lightning
4 Disenchant
2 Sylvan Library
1 Regrowth
1 Mind Twist
1 Demonic Tutor
1 Braingeyser
1 Wheel of Fortune
1 Mana Drain
1 Time Twister
1 Time Walk
1 Ancestral Recall
1 Sol Ring
1 Chaos Orb
1 Black Lotus
1 Mox Emerald
1 Mox Jet
1 Mox Pearl
1 Mox Ruby
1 Mox Sapphire
1 Library of Alexandria
4 City of Brass
4 Strip Mine
2 Tropical Island
4 Taiga
4 Savannah