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Lion Dib Bolt - boréal


I was looking for a Swedish Old School Deck that had a decent matchup vs. the deck and also fit my preferred play style (tempo).


Since getting into Old School in ~2017 I had been strongly on Team Serendib Efreet, and after playing my way through many of the tier 1 to tier 2 decks in the format I was also a big proponent of Psionic Blast. The struggle though is that trying to fit 4 Serendib and 4 Psionic Blast (and usually 4 City of Brass) in the same deck is very tricky. That’s a lot of life loss to overcome! I eventually realised I could play less than the full 4 Serendibs and still play 4 of each of Psionic Blast and City of Brass.



Winning the 2022 Summer Derby was pretty decent. I won quite a few games with the surprise one of Swords to

monkeyballs (kyril d-r).webp

Plowshares, people aren't expecting a Swords to Plowshares to be played against them after they see Chain Lightning!



You have burn, creatures, disenchant and a smattering of counters, so you have some game against everything.



You really need a plan against Blood Moon, plan A is Su-Chi!​​



source: Simon Christie - Falling Stars

picture: @oldschoolmtg

Simon C.'s list

2 Order of Leitbur

4 Savannah Lions

1 Serendib Efreet

2 Serra Angel



1 Ancestral Recall

1 Balance

1 Black Lotus

4 Chain Lightning

1 Chaos Orb

1 Demonic Tutor

4 Divine Offering

4 Lightning Bolt

1 Mind Twist

1 Mox Jet

1 Mox Pearl

1 Mox Ruby

1 Mox Sapphire

3 Psionic Blast

1 Sol Ring

1 Time Twister

1 Time Walk

1 Wheel of Fortune



4 City of Brass

4 Mishra's Factory

4 Plateau

1 Scrubland

4 Strip Mine

4 Tundra

1 Volcanic Island

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