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Home / Decks / Aggro / Goblins

goblins - boréal


Goblins in general is easy to pick up and play, but with little nuances that become a bit more difficult to master. The simplest approach is classic, turn it all sideways as often as you can and run your opponent over quickly.​


Goblin Artisans alongside main deck artifact options (Ankh/Vise) doesn't always net you a card draw, but the possibility to draw a card in red is a huge upswing, especially with Hymn being so heavy. Late-game Black Vise is rarely great, but artisans could make it a draw into a burn spell.



While a forked Goblin Grenade is the best 3 red mana in Old School, I've had more fun forking other people's spells. Top 3 forking moments: 


goblinos (daniel anshutz).webp

#3 - Casting a forked Goblin Grenade for lethal, Opponent taps out for counterspell and I fork that for the Win. 


#2 - Up 2 creatures on my side, opponent casts a mind twist for my hand. I fork it and make him discard 2x Hippie, Regrowth, Hymn. His next 3 draws are all lands while I draw 2 goblin kings and a ball lightning to win. 


#1 - Post Board, T2 with 2 mountains and Ruby in play, opponent casts ancestral recall. I fork the ancestral, I draw my 3 cards, the 3rd being a red elemental blast which I use to counter his copy.



This is where reps come into play. The more you get, the more you will understand what you can gable with a keep. The hardest matchups are vs Abyss versions of The Deck, Anything with Tabernacle and the ever popular other little green men that DFB has honed quite well. Otherwise, mulligan to 2 creatures and removal or strip/ankh/vise.



If you're on the draw, take out the vices. 

On the play and especially vs The Deck variants/Library, add another. 


2 Falling Star (amazingly underrated card. Get your flip practice in!) 

3 Copper Tablet (you can overcome a CoP Red) 

2 Red Elemental Blast 

2 Red Spells (Fireball/Disintegrate) 

2 Shatter​


source: Daniel Anschutz - Canton Brownies

picture: @oldschoolmtg

Dan Anschutz's list

3 Ball Lightning

3 Goblin Artisan

4 Goblin Balloon Brigade

4 Goblin King

4 Goblins of the Flarg



1 Anhk of Mishra

1 Black Lotus

2 Black Vise

1 Blood Moon

4 Chain Lightning

1 Chaos Orb

4 Goblin Grenade

2 Fork

4 Lightning Bolt

1 Mox Ruby

1 Wheel of Fortune



1 Hammerheim

4 Mishra's Factory

11 Mountain

4 Strip Mine

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