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Home / Decks / Aggro / Erhnam Burn'em

erhnam burn'em - BOréAL


In a sense "little kid" is similar to UR counterburn: you have some guys and some burn and can leverage Blood Moon. However, no counterspell means you can just tap out every turn and not think too hard. Pairs perfectly with a strong IPA. I recommend playing cheap copies of each card, even using mismatched editions if you can stomach it.


This build plays no Chain Lighting and maxes out on X spells because Fireball and Disintegrate are great cards. 



Channel-Fireball is more than a pipe dream with this deck; it happens a lot. I have fond memories of killing Karl on turn 2 two games in a row.

erhnam-burn-em (laurence).webp


I've been having too much fun to take real notice, but this is easily the winningest RG list that I've tried.



Weenies: Falling Star

Robots: Shatterstorm, Artifact Blast

Twiddle: REB, Artifact Blast

The Deck, Lion-Dib-Bolt: Blood Moon​


source: Laurence Boulanger - MTL Tundra Wolves

picture: @oldschoolmtg

Laurence's list

2 Argothian Pixies

4 Erhnam Djinn

4 Kird Ape

4 Llawnowar Elf

2 Scavenger Folk



1 Black Lotus

1 Blood Moon

1 Channel

1 Chaos Orb

4 Disintegrate

4 Fireball

1 Giant Growth

1 Hurricane

4 Lightning Bolt

1 Mox Emerald 

1 Mox Ruby

1 Shatter

1 Sol Ring



3 City of Brass

5 Forest

1 Hammerheim

1 Maze of Ith

4 Mishra's Factory

3 Mountain

1 Pendelhaven

1 Strip Mine

4 Taiga

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