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domseeker - Atlantic


Burn Burn Burn, what's more to it? The goal here is just to kill your opponent the fastest you can with a good and fun toolbox. 19-20 burn spells + 4 Black Vise... it is not a deck to make friends. Another reason is, I always wanted to make Stormseeker playable since I started playing MTG again.


Burn is pretty good in this format. Not only does this deck play 3 or 4 Fireballs and Channel but Stormseeker brings it to another level. It gives opportunities to include some good combos, for example, Hurkl’s recall, which can be really potent with Stormseeker. I also tried some variants with Underworld Dreams or Howling Mine that were not as powerful, but really fun.



Making 8 damage on turn one or even 16 damage on turn two is a good one with Stormseeker/Fork, and it happened more

burn-seeker (dominic beaudry).jpg

than once, hehe. Also, even if it doesn't happen often, playing Channel-Fireball is awesome and always makes people cheer! Stormseeker also consistently brings interest. ​I remember the first event I won with this deck, the final was against FRDT playing Beast Island and he had a Red Blast in hand to counter an eventual Energy Flux, but when I cast a Shatterstorm, his face was priceless. His hand filled pretty quickly and I finished him with Stormseeker. I think it was his first encounter with the card and I know he secretly wanted to build it.



Must say that this deck is good in Atlantic, not so bad in Swedish, but in Boreal, it is just not that good. I tried, but to many Strip Mines, too fast, and a lot of creatures. But I am working to build a Boreal version that works!

Match against decks that draw a lot are often overwhelmed by this deck. It's usual to see players retain themselves from drawing too much and since I do not have creatures or much permanent main deck, many cards become useless against me.​ Must say that going all burn, makes Counterspell way less good and since you see rarely more than 6 or 7, with 20ish burns, I have the higher ground. So as you know, people are still playing CoP Red and Blood Moon. I must say that I can do a lot of damage without red, so I can manage them, but I often sideboard in Tranquility. ​


Overall, this deck performs well against tier-one decks. In Atlantic, I have some trouble dealing with Shop.​ Match up against a burn deck can go either way, but I have more trouble against aggro decks or decks with a lot of creatures. At some point, I can be overwhelmed by not being able to remove them all.​

Dom Beaudry's list


1 Balance

1 Black Lotus

4 Black Vise

1 Braingeyser

4 Chain Lightning

1 Channel

1 Chaos Orb

1 Demonic Tutor

3 Fireball

1 Fork

4 Lightning Bolt

1 Mana Drain

1 Mox Emerald

1 Mox Jet

1 Mox Pearl

1 Mox Ruby

1 Mox Sapphire

4 Psionic Blast

1 Regrowth

1 Sol Ring

4 Storm Seeker

1 Time Twister

1 Time Walk

1 Wheel of Fortune



4 City of Brass

1 Library of Alexandria

​4 Mishra's Factory

1 Strip Mine

4 Tropical Island

4 Volcanic Island  


Sometimes I put creatures in sideboard. Just enough to make a transitional side that plays well in this deck, and people often side out their removal. 

In the early versions, Hurkyl recall was main deck, but I put it in side. Tranquility is useful, but not essential. Maze of ith is pretty powerful. Disintegrate can be good against Troll decks, and god there are a lot of them. Putting Red Blast and Blue Blast is recent. I used to put creatures in the side, and the change was a good one, but it depends on the meta or how I feel. Often, I put Earthquake or Shatterstorm. They can be devastating depending on the meta.


source: Dominic Beaudry - MTL Tundra Wolves

picture: @oldschoolmtg

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